
Demo code for the June 2021, HL7 DevDays - SMART Web Messaging Events

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SMART Web Messaging Demo App

A simple, EHR-embeddable app that can be used to test an EHR’s implementation of SMART Web Messaging capabilities.


CLICK HERE to launch it, or visit: https://barabo.github.io/swm-dd-demo/app/

User Instructions

Profile Audience

This app was developed primarily for EHR developers wishing to test their implementation of SMART Web Messaging against a simple demo app.

Embed this app into your EHR and use it to initiate web messages, quickly viewing the returned responses.

Preparing Your EHR

Installing the Companion Library

There is a companion library that is distributed through npm. Install it using the following command:

npm install --save swm-client-lib

Using the Library

This library is currently an ES6 module only. Import the module as shown in the example below:

import * as swm from 'swm-client-lib';

Client Configuration and Setup

Refer to the client library documentation for full instructions, including some of the concepts behind using the library to enable SMART Web Messaging in your EHR.

Link: https://github.com/barabo/swm-dd-demo/tree/main/lib

Session messagingHandle Management

Within your EHR, you will need to create an iframe element to embed the app - or launch the app in a new tab. This demo assumes an embedded application, but either should work with the provided library.

The provided demo EHR was designed to map a session messagingHandle to the iframe contentWindow object itself, which is recorded automatically when the iframe finishes loading. Your EHR may have different capabilities and requirements, but whatever strategy you employ, the smart_web_messaging_handle launch context parameter must be provided in the SMART Launch client object, and it must be provided to the EHR (and validated against the session) in all messages in order to be within IG specifications.

User Interface


Like the Mock EHR, the demo app provides two message panels. The left panel is editable and contains a message that can be sent to the EHR. The panel on the right contains the read-only response from the EHR.

App Configuration


Messages sent from the app to your EHR must specify the target origin of your EHR in order for the browser to deliver them. The client library requires a correct target origin parameter, as well, and the value used in the app configuration panel must be set.

Also, the messaging handle shown in the configuration panel should match what the EHR expects from the app session messages.

Sending Messages


Once the demo app is embedded in your EHR, the app heading will change to read ‘EMBEDDED APP’.


Select any of the available template messages and edit them according to your needs before sending.